class coralillo.Form[source]

Parent class of the Model class, defines validation and other useful functions.

classmethod validate(**kwargs)[source]

Validates the data received as keyword arguments whose name match this class attributes.

class coralillo.Model(id=None, **kwargs)[source]

Defines a model that comunicates to the Redis database


Compares this object to another. Returns true if both are of the same class and have the same properties. Returns false otherwise

classmethod cls_key()[source]

Returns the redis key prefix assigned to this model

classmethod count()[source]

returns object count for this model


Deletes this model from the database, calling delete in each field to properly delete special cases


Returns a fully qualified name for this object

classmethod get(id)[source]

Retrieves an object by id. Returns None in case of failure

classmethod get_all()[source]

Gets all available instances of this model from the database

classmethod get_by(field, value)[source]

Tries to retrieve an isinstance of this model from the database given a value for a defined index. Return None in case of failure

classmethod get_or_exception(id)[source]

Tries to retrieve an instance of this model from the database or raises an exception in case of failure

static is_object_key()[source]

checks if the given key belongs to an object. Its easy since it depends on the key ending like: ‘:obj’


Returns the redis key to access this object’s values

classmethod members_key()[source]

This key holds a set whose members are the ids that exist of objects from this class


Returns a fully qualified key name to a permission over this object


reloads this object so if it was updated in the database it now contains the new values


Persists this object to the database. Each field knows how to store itself so we don’t have to worry about it

to_json(fields=None, embed=None)[source]

Serializes this model to a JSON representation so it can be sent via an HTTP REST API

classmethod tree_match(field, string)[source]

Given a tree index, retrieves the ids atached to the given prefix, think of if as a mechanism for pattern suscription, where two models attached to the a, a:b respectively are found by the a:b string, because both model’s subscription key matches the string.


validates the given data against this object’s rules and then updates